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The Pastor's Son Bundle: Two Short Erotic Tales

  The Pastor’s Son Bundle

  By Alexandrinha Abbott

  Copyright 2013 Alexandrinha Abbott

  All rights reserved

  The Pastor’s Son Bundle

  Book design by Alexandrinha Abbott

  The Pastor’s Son #1

  When I was growing up, my parents were super strict. They didn’t even let me date until I was eighteen. Heck, by the age of eighteen, I was technically an adult and free to date anyone I pleased. At least that’s the way I saw it. My folks saw it differently. Even though I was old enough to vote and join the military, they insisted on having a say on whom I dated.

  Fortunately, I met a boy who actually fit their standards. He was the son of a pastor. As far as my parents were concerned, that put him head and shoulders above the rest of the crowd. A pastor’s son knew how to treat a girl like a lady, according to my father.

  As I lay flat on my back with the pastor’s son above me, I reflected on the irony of having my parents’ approval to date the very boy who stole my virginity less than a single hour into our first date.

  “Susan, you’re so pretty,” he murmured into my ear. His hot breath sent shivers down my spine.

  “Jimmy,” I said. I couldn’t think of anything else to say.

  We had met while we were both doing volunteer work. Volunteer work can be a funny thing. So many people involved in community service are doing it under duress. It takes away the meaning of the word voluntary.

  I forced my mind to stop wandering and focus on the task at hand.

  Jimmy’s body was heavy against my own. His weight was nearly crushing the air from my lungs as he pushed himself inside me.

  With skill that could only have come from practice, he plunged through the physical manifestation of my virginity without hesitation.

  It didn’t hurt, not exactly. I felt a sharp, piercing pressure that was more like friction than pain. At worst, I’d call it discomfort. At best, well, the discomfort was slowly transforming into something else entirely.

  Beads of sweat formed on my forehead and ran into my eyes. It was hot in the back seat of Jimmy’s car, and the windows were rolled up.

  He had suggested leaving the windows open for air, but I was convinced that no one would see us if only we kept the windows closed.

  The sun was just beginning to slide lower in the late afternoon sky, and the rays of the setting sun were still plenty bright enough to illuminate our naked bodies on the back seat of the old Camaro, should anyone happen to glance through one of the closed windows.

  I was grateful for Jimmy’s tall, muscular body sprawled over mine. This was the first time that I had ever been naked with a member of the opposite sex, and I felt embarrassed and shy. His body covered my nudity like a blanket and shielded me from passersby.

  If anyone did come upon us, they would be treated to the sight of Jimmy’s strong back, muscular buttocks and thick thighs. I would be nearly invisible beneath the canopy of his body.

  With trembling hands, I stroked his back. The muscles tensed and bulged as he thrust within me.

  I was acutely aware that placing my hands on his back served to put them in any potential onlooker’s field of vision, and I wasn’t entire comfortable with that.

  Jimmy’s eyes were closed, and his mouth was open. His pants and my moans released more hot air into the interior of the car. The heat was nearly intolerable. Next time, I would let him open the windows.

  It was near silent inside the car. The only sounds that I could hear were our ragged gasps and the wet slap of flesh on flesh as Jimmy picked up the pace and squeezed his eyes shut more tightly. He looked almost comical.

  The sensation of having my secret space invaded by his manhood over and over again was strange. It wasn’t what I expected at all. The minor discomfort had given way to a throbbing sensation that sent waves of warmth flooding through my body with every heartbeat.

  Initially, I was too scared and uncertain to be excited. There were too many unanswered questions marching through my mind, and I had to keep reminding myself to concentrate.

  It was important for me to enjoy this. You never get a second chance to lose your virginity.

  I managed to raise my head enough to press my lips against Jimmy’s open mouth. He immediately lowered his head to kiss me deeply.

  His tongue probed mine and wandered over the peaks and valleys of my mouth. He licked my tongue and gently held my lips between his teeth.

  With the addition of kissing to the steady pace of our lovemaking, the heat between my legs intensified. The throbbing became localized, centralized within the very center of the place where my folds joined on top. It was the place where Jimmy’s body pressed every time he slid inside me.

  Where Jimmy’s long cock was buried within my moist tightness, my flesh twitched and jumped as if it had a mind of its own. It clenched and clamped down on Jimmy, making it harder for him to push inside and harder for him to pull out.

  My hands stopped caressing his back and curled into claws. Without conscious thought, I dug my short fingernails into his skin.

  As we both grew more excited, I moved toward Jimmy with every fiber of my being. My heels pressed into the torn upholstery of the Camaro while my hips bucked upward to meet his downward strokes.

  “Are you close, Susan?” he asked.

  “I don’t know,” I said. “I honestly don’t know.”

  “Susan, I can’t hold myself back any longer,” he said. “I want to. I just can’t.”

  “Don’t,” I whispered. Even though I wasn’t exactly sure what he meant, I could feel that something big was about to happen.

  At that moment, my body betrayed me by doing something completely unexpected. Heat, pressure and friction reached a boiling point at the place where our bodies were joined. The resulting feeling was so intense that I yelped in surprise.

  There was a quick release of tension followed by an intense flurry of contractions that felt like little earthquakes that rocked me to my core.

  I thought that Jimmy experienced the same thing when he let out a strangled grunt, and his body jolted like he was struck by electricity.

  Suddenly, I felt wetter inside as pulsing wet heat discharged from Jimmy’s body and entered mine. He collapsed on top of me.

  “Did you finish?” he asked.

  “I think so,” I said.

  “I think so, too,” he said.

  “You’re crushing me. I can’t breathe.” Sweat covered every inch of my bare body. It was worse where my back and buttocks stuck to the fake leather of the back seat.

  “Sorry.” Jimmy pried his body off mine. In the minute since he had stopped moving, our skin had stuck together with sweat the same way that my back was stuck to the upholstery beneath me.

  He struggled to get dressed in the hot confines of the car, but there wasn’t enough room for him to maneuver. So he opened the door and climbed outside, still naked.

  I grabbed my clothes from the floor and covered myself as quickly as I possibly could. Without rising from my position, I slid my panties over my feet and ankles, pulling them past aching calves and thighs to cover the place where only Jimmy had ever been.

  We finished getting dressed in silence. Jimmy remained outside the car, and I remained inside. Although I worried that someone would see him, no one did. The sun had all but set, and it was getting darker by the minute.

  When I finished dressing, I climbed awkwardly from the back seat. I wished that Jimmy would say something to let me know that I had made the right decision by losing my virginity to someone whom I barely knew just because he was a pastor’s son and I didn’t thin
k I’d get a better offer than that.

  “What do you want to do now?” I asked. The ground was uncomfortable beneath my bare feet. I’d left my shoes in the front seat of the car.

  “I’m dropping you off at home,” he said. “I’ve got a date.”

  “What did you just say?” I was incredulous. Did he just say he was going on a date?

  “Sorry,” he said. “I meant to tell you earlier.” He kissed me on the forehead. “Don’t worry. I’ll call you.”

  He jumped into the driver’s seat, and I dutifully climbed into the passenger’s seat. Hot tears formed in my eyes, blurring my vision until I couldn’t tell which one of my shoes was the left and which was the right.

  “Hey, you weren’t a virgin, were you?” he asked, turning the key in the ignition. “You should have told me.”

  I didn’t answer. The tears were streaming openly down my face.

  “Don’t cry,” he said. He handed me a fistful of napkins from the center console. “Wipe your face. You don’t want to go home a mess. Then your folks will know you’ve been crying.”

  I took the napkins from his hand and wiped my eyes. Then I blew my nose. It was no use. My nasal passages were completely swollen shut. My eyes were red and bleary. I was miserable, and I wasn’t a virgin anymore.

  “You didn’t have to sleep with me, you know,” he said. “I figured I might as well ask, but I was pretty sure you were going to turn me down. You sure didn’t though.” He laughed.

  “Don’t laugh at me. Take me home, and go pick up your real date.” I was so angry.

  “It’s not like that. I promise,” he said. “My father set me up with a girl from church. She’s not my type, but I couldn’t go back on my word.” He turned the key in the ignition and pulled the car into drive. “I won’t touch her. I promise,” he said.

  My tears slowed before stopping. I used the handful of crumpled napkins to wipe the salty streaks from my face. I figured if I moved quickly enough and spoke cheerfully, my parents would fail to notice that I’d been crying. Plus, they would be so happy to see me home early that they probably wouldn’t even stop to wonder why I was home before curfew.

  We pulled up to the sidewalk in front of my house, and Jimmy cut the ignition. He opened his door, ran to the passenger side and opened my door before I had a chance to react.

  “Thank you,” I said. “No one has ever opened the car door for me before.”

  “It won’t be the last time. I promise,” he said. He walked me to the front door and gave me a chaste handshake before turning away. “I’d kiss you, but your parents could be watching,” he said. He was right.

  I waited until he walked back to his car and climbed inside before turning away. When I walked into the house, my parents were both waiting expectantly.

  “How did it go?” my mother asked.

  “I hope he was a gentleman,” my father said.

  “It went fine,” I said. “He was a perfect gentleman.”

  “He even brought you home before your curfew,” my father said.

  “Jimmy said he had to get up early in the morning to go to work,” I lied. “I’m tired anyhow. So I’m just going to head upstairs and go to bed.”

  I congratulated myself on keeping my smile wide and my voice upbeat. On the inside, I was a cyclone of emotions. It isn’t every day that a girl loses her virginity. I wasn’t sure how I should feel.

  Once I got upstairs, I was faced with the decision to shower or not to shower. Although I wanted to wash away the traces of my loss of innocence, I was afraid of sending a signal to my parents about what I’d done.

  Ultimately, I decided that they wouldn’t necessarily know I had lost my virginity just because I was taking a shower before bed. So I opted for the shower.

  I turned the hot water on and let it run while I removed my clothes. My panties were soaking wet. I had to peel them off my body, turning them inside out as I slid them down my thighs, past my knees and over my feet.

  Not daring to leave the evidence in the clothes hamper, I tossed the underwear into the bottom of the shower to rinse away the signs of sex. Then I climbed into the shower after them.

  My sensitivity was heightened after what I had just experienced. The warm drops of water falling from the shower head and landing on my nipples sent shockwaves through my entire body. I cupped my breasts with my hands to shield them from the falling water.

  When my nerves stopped tingling, I moved my hands away from my breasts and allowed the water to strike them full force. My nipples ached and puckered into tight buds under the water. Every drop sent little bursts of sensation scurrying along my nervous system and culminating in my pussy.

  I raised one foot and rested it on the edge of the bathtub to clean the place between my legs. Using Ivory soap, I worked up a good head of lather and tried to ignore the feeling that the innocent bar of soap was causing down below.

  Although I had showered a million times, this was the first time that the water droplets and bar of soap had made me feel this way. I experimentally moved beneath the shower head so that the water beat upon my nipples. Then I lifted my heavy breasts in my hands and positioned them for maximum stimulation.

  The sensation was intense. I closed my eyes and tossed my head back, biting my lip to keep from making a sound. This can’t possibly be right, I thought. Then I brought the bar of soap to the center of my folds again.

  I parted my legs wider and ran the Ivory soap back and forth along the path of my slit while the water pelted my hard nipples. Remembering the explosion of shivers and contractions that Jimmy had caused when he was inside me, I gingerly slipped one of my fingers within my hole.

  My flesh felt hot and tight. I had never touched myself like that before, but I thought I was swollen where the pastor’s son had been within me. Before washing my hair, I set down the bar of soap and moved my foot from the edge of the tub.

  I shampooed and conditioned my long hair while I replayed the events of my date in my mind. Sincerely hoping that Jimmy wasn’t even now engaged in a repeat performance, I imagined his hands on my body and his mouth on my neck.

  After I washed my hair, I picked up the bar of soap again and cleansed my body from head to toe. I was careful not to spend too much time lingering on the places that were extremely sensitive to touch, skimming over my breasts and my pussy.

  I carefully lay on the bottom of the bathtub and spread my legs. With my right leg propped against the wall and my left leg bent at the knee, I spread the lips of my pussy so that the stream of water from the shower massaged my clitoris.

  Down below, my body responded to the massaging jet of water by twitching and pulsing beneath the spray. I rubbed my nipples with the Ivory soap and imagined that it was Jimmy’s hands on my skin. All the while, the water was caressing the sensitive nub of nerve endings between my legs.

  My moans were lost in the sound of rushing water. I had to force my legs to stay open. The intensity of the shower against my clit threatened to push me over the edge. I was close to having my second orgasm of the night. It would be my second orgasm ever.

  With my eyes closed, I could pretend that ever drop of water was the pastor’s son as he made love to me. Moaning and thrashing, I climaxed hard and alone on the bottom of my tub.

  As soon as I finished, I felt foolish. I turned off the water and sat there for a few minutes, trying to catch my breath. Finally, my legs were steady enough to support my weight. I climbed to my feet and grabbed a soft towel.

  My skin was definitely glowing when I caught my reflection in the bathroom mirror. I was all pink, flushed and satisfied. Wearing nothing but a damp towel, I crossed the hallway to my bedroom.

  Once safely inside my room, I lay flat on my back on the bed and closed my eyes, letting my thoughts drift over everything and nothing at all. Just as I was dozing off to sleep, I heard my cellphone vibrating.

  If the phone hadn’t been on the bedside table, I probably wouldn’t have heard it at all. The phone rattled ag
ainst the hard surface of the table and interrupted my near sleep.

  I picked up the phone. There was a text message waiting. It was from Jimmy. He wanted me to meet him outside. That wasn’t really a good option.

  My parents were not accustomed to having me leave the house in the middle of the night. I didn’t feel comfortable betraying their trust. It never even occurred to me to tell them. Although I was eighteen, nothing much had changed since I was seventeen, or fourteen.

  It seemed that a compromise was in order. I agreed to meet Jimmy outside, but I wouldn’t go any further than my front porch. That way, I wouldn’t technically be leaving the house, but I could still see him.

  I threw on a pair of denim shorts and a tank top, feeling particularly naughty by my decision to skip wearing panties or a bra.

  By the time I dressed and made my way downstairs, Jimmy was already sitting quietly on the porch. I was grateful that my parents were already snoring in their bedroom. It would make things that much easier.

  “Hi,” I said, trying to play it cool.

  “I brought you something,” Jimmy said. He smiled wickedly. His teeth reflected the porch light.

  “What is it? I love surprises.”

  “It’s in my pocket,” he said. “Come and get it.”

  I doubtfully looked in the direction of his front pocket. His cock was enormously erect, and it had formed a huge tent in his pants. “Is that my surprise?” I asked, disappointed. I had actually expected something more romantic.

  He just laughed and grabbed my hand, dropping it onto the immense bulge in the front of his pants. “What’s the matter? Don’t you like it?”

  I pulled my hand away, not because I didn’t like it but because I had no idea what to do with it. Besides, I still wanted to know what had happened during his date.

  “How was your date with what’s-her-name?” I asked.

  “I already told you that she wasn’t my type. Nothing happened. If anything happened, would I still have all this to give?” He indicated his crotch.

  “What happened exactly?” I asked. I wanted details.