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The Pastor's Son Bundle: Two Short Erotic Tales Page 2

  “I picked her up. We ate dinner. I fought off her advances, and I dropped her off at home.”

  “She made advances at you?” I couldn’t believe that anyone could be that bold.

  “What did you expect? She’s a slut. That’s not my type.”

  “Does that happen to you a lot?”

  “You’d be surprised,” Jimmy said. “When girls find out that I’m the pastor’s son, they can’t wait to get their hands on me. They always seem to think I’m some innocent virgin, and they want to corrupt me and teach me all their tricks. Girls never seem to realize that I’m not as innocent as I look. I have some tricks of my own.”

  “Oh,” I said. I folded my hands in my lap and tried to ignore the mountain in his pants.

  “That’s what I like about you,” he said.

  “What?” I was confused.

  “You’re not a slut like the other girls I know. I can teach and mold you however I want.”

  “Oh,” I said again. “Is that a good thing?”

  “Of course it is,” he said. “Come here.” He leaned over and kissed me gently. His lips pressed against mine. They felt soft and slippery, making me wonder if he used lip balm to keep his kisser silky smooth.

  I pulled away. “My parents are inside.”

  “How often do you think they look at the front porch in the middle of the night?” he asked.

  “I don’t know.”

  “Well, I’m willing to bet that there’s no reason why your parents would satisfy a sudden urge to get out of bed and walk onto the porch at midnight. I am sure that we’re safe.”

  “You’re probably right,” I said doubtfully.

  “I know I’m right,” he said. “I’m always right.” He kissed me again, and I let him move my hand back onto his lap. “Do you want to suck it?” he asked.


  “Do you want to suck it?”

  “I don’t know,” I said. “I wouldn’t know what to do with it. What if I accidentally bite it or something?”

  “Well, it’s better if you don’t,” he said. Jimmy moved my hand aside and lowered his pants enough for his swollen cock to emerge.

  I hadn’t really gotten a good look at it in the back seat of his Camaro earlier. One minute, it had been hidden from view, and the next minute, it was inside me. Now, I could see it clearly for the first time by the light of the overhead bulb and the moon.

  It was long and thick. The head was bulbous and shaped like a fireman’s helmet. I couldn’t believe that I’d had that thing inside me. It was terrifying and exhilarating at the same time.

  I stroked the head with one fingertip. It was ridiculously soft and silky, like his lips. Not even the skin on my nipples was as soft as this. I pressed a little harder. It was firm yet spongy. Interesting, I thought.

  “Put it in your mouth,” he said.

  “I don’t know if I should,” I whispered.

  “Of course you should. Don’t you want to see what it’s like?” He placed one of his hands on the back of my head and pushed slightly. “Go ahead. Suck it.”

  I tentatively dipped my head toward his cock. It looked menacing in the half-light. I closed my eyes and opened my mouth wide, only hesitating slightly before surrounding the tip with my lips.

  With only the first inch of his cock in my mouth, I could still back out. Just a single inch wasn’t a real commitment, I reasoned.

  I closed my lips until they were touching him along the entire circumference. Then I allowed my tongue to explore the bit of unmoving flesh that was between my lips. It felt cool and smooth in my mouth. There was a ridge directly in the center of it and a slit that oozed thick liquid. It tasted like salt.

  He pressed hard on the back of my head, and my mouth slid down the length of his cock until it banged against the back of my throat. I gagged and tried to lift my head, but his heavy hand held me down. When I slapped him on the leg, he released his grip on my head.

  “Sorry about that,” he said.

  I wasn’t sure whether he was really sorry, but I was willing to give him the benefit of the doubt. Mustering up my courage, I began to slide my lips up and down on his shaft, taking it into my throat as deeply as I could.

  He moaned and held his hand loosely on my hair without pushing or pulling.

  I struggled to move along his length. My lips were stretched wide around his girth. Once again, I marveled that he had been inside my secret place. I couldn’t imagine my body opening wide enough to let him inside.

  “That feels so good,” he said. “It’s almost like you’ve done this before.”

  I moved my mouth away from his body. “Thanks. I guess. It’s definitely the first time I’ve ever done anything like this.”

  “I know. I believe you. Keep sucking,” he said.

  I obediently returned to my task. With every downward stroke, my gag reflex improved. It still wasn’t easy to keep my mouth moving up and down on his foreign flesh, but I thought I was improving. I was certainly applying myself and deserved an “A” for effort, at least.

  He touched me through my tank top, making me doubt my decision not to wear a bra. His touch made my heart beat a little faster and harder, and I doubled my efforts to please him.

  The tip of his cock was oozing salty drops with greater frequency now, and I swallowed every drop as it came. His hips were moving in time with my mouth, and I felt him tighten his grip on my hair.

  When a jet of hot liquid goo spurted into the back of my throat, it took me by surprise. I swallowed instinctively. It burned and tingled on the way down, but it wasn’t entirely unpleasant. I supposed that I could get used to it.

  “Baby, you did such a good job,” Jimmy said. He patted me on the top of my head like I was a dog that had successfully learned a new trick.

  I sat up and looked into his eyes. If I was expecting a declaration of love or some other dramatic expression of gratitude, I didn’t get it beyond the pat on the head and the compliment. That would have to be enough.

  “Do you want me to lick you?”


  He laughed. “Do you want me to lick you down there?”

  Down there, I instantly became wet just at the prospect of having his face between my legs. “I don’t know,” I whispered, certain that I was blushing. It certainly felt like all the blood had rushed to my face. My cheeks and forehead were hot. I discreetly reached up and felt my face with the back of my hand. Sure enough, I was overheated.

  “Do you want me to lick you down there?” he repeated slowly. “You’ll like it. I promise.”

  I nodded my head without speaking.

  He dropped to his knees in front of where I was sitting on the porch swing. “Stand,” he ordered. He helped me to my feet and unbuttoned my shorts, pulling them down past my hips and letting them drop to the floor of the porch.

  I was embarrassed standing there half naked, but I didn’t admit it.

  He pressed me down onto the porch swing and pushed my legs open wide with one of his hands on each of my knees. Without further preamble, he leaned forward and buried his face between my thighs.

  His tongue licked the place at the top of my labia where my clitoris was nestled within its folds and creases. He probed firmly, sending waves of heat flooding through my body until my head felt like it was going to explode.

  Taking a page from his playbook, I wrapped my hands into the hair at the back of his head and pressed him closer, pushing his face into my snatch.

  His licking was fast and furious. He was tireless as he massaged every moist spot of flesh within the center of my pussy, working his way up and down, across and in circles.

  Every time I moaned, he increased the speed and pressure of his movements. When I held my breath and fell silent, he changed to a different technique or location until I began to moan once more. His actions precipitated my reactions, which in turn inspired more action on his part.

  Just as the pressure and tension had built up within me until I felt like
I couldn’t take anymore, he slid his fingers inside me and thrust them in and out of my hole while his tongue kept up its campaign.

  That was it. I completely lost it. My hands involuntarily pulled his hair, and my knees clamped down on the side of his head. It was extraordinary, and I had to bite my lip to prevent myself from screaming into the night air.

  I bit my lip so hard that I tasted blood, but the sensations rolling through my pussy didn’t diminish for a very long time.

  He moved his head out of the way, and I clamped my legs closed on his fingers. His hand was trapped inside me as I squeezed my thighs together until the contractions finally stopped pulsing against his moving fingers. This was my third orgasm of the night, the third orgasm of my life, and it was the strongest and most powerful one yet.

  We stayed on the porch until the first streaks of light illuminated the night sky. “I have to get inside,” I said. “Go home. I don’t want them to know you were here.”

  He tenderly held my head with his hands and kissed me on both cheeks. Then he kissed my nose. “I’ll call you soon. I promise,” he said.

  “Do you always keep your promises?” I whispered.

  “I always keep my promises,” he said. “I promise.” He smiled.

  With a final kiss, he left me on the porch and walked to his car.

  I waved good-bye until he drove out of sight.

  The Pastor’s Son #2

  Jimmy and I had been dating for several weeks. Since we had taken the fast track to sexual fulfillment, it felt like we had been dating for much longer. My parents approved of him. That’s because they had no idea about all the naughty things we did when we were together.

  For a pastor’s son, Jimmy had more sexual tricks than a cheap whore. I wasn’t particularly pleased about the way that he had gathered all that knowledge, like how to make a girl scream with a single expertly applied fingertip, but I was pretty happy to be the recipient of his expertise.

  That’s how I found myself trying to muffle a scream in the church basement while his father droned overhead. Nothing but a wooden floor separated the place where the pastor stood facing a church filled with parishioners and the place where Jimmy busily licked my pussy in an attempt to make me climax before anyone noticed that we had left our pew.

  My mother and father couldn’t be happier that I was dating the pastor’s son. When I started attending church on Sunday, they were pleased. After all, no harm could come from attending church every weekend. That’s what they thought, at least.

  In reality, Jimmy always knew when his father was about to launch into an impassioned speech about hellfire and brimstone or whatever. That’s when he took me by the hand, led me through a side door and brought me to the church basement where his father wrote his lectures.

  Jimmy laid me flat on my back on his father’s big oak desk and tugged my white cotton panties free of my body. Sitting in his father’s chair, he slid forward until his face was hovering directly above my throbbing pussy.

  By this time, I was already soaking wet. Moisture from my aching body leaked onto the pastor’s desk, leaving wet streak of moisture that would dry quickly once I was gone.

  Jimmy pressed my knees apart further. I didn’t offer any resistance; I didn’t want to. What I wanted was exactly what I got. The pastor’s son firmly applied his tongue to my clitoris and licked.

  How many licks does it take to get to the center of a Tootsie Roll Pop? I had no idea, but I know exactly how many times Jimmy licked my pussy before I had to shove my fist in my mouth to muffle my screams: four.

  On the first lick, I felt nothing or next to nothing. The second lick brought a flush of heat to my face and body like the temperature in the room had suddenly climbed ten degrees. By the third lick, my breath was coming in ragged gasps, and my clit was twitching like it had a mind of its own.

  It was the fourth lick that caused the fireworks. I felt like an explosion of pleasure burst inside me, making my muscles tense up and hot shivers roll through my pussy in waves, but Jimmy didn’t stop licking.

  The fifth lick nearly sent me flailing off the desk and onto the floor. I sank my teeth into the back of my hand and bit down as hard as I dared, not hard enough to draw blood but hard enough to leave a purple semi-circle of teeth imprinted in my skin.

  By the sixth lick, I was certain that I was going to yell like Tarzan swinging from a vine despite my best efforts to keep quiet. I clamped my knees shut, trapping his head between my thighs. That didn’t help.

  I pushed him away. He wasn’t close to being finished. Jimmy’s tongue was tireless. He likely would have kept torturing my poor twitching pussy until his father’s voice stopped drifting through the floor above us and his footsteps sounded on the basement stairs. It was up to me to stop that from happening.

  “Jimmy,” I moaned helplessly. “We have to go back upstairs.”

  “Is that what you want?” He smiled wickedly. His lips were glistening with the moisture from deep inside my body.

  I stood from the desk and retrieved my panties from the floor. As I had predicted, my pussy had left a wet snail trail on the pastor’s desk. I made no effort to clean it. The wetness would surely evaporate by the time his lecture was over.

  “Come on,” he said. “Do me now.”

  “You know we have to get back upstairs,” I said. My white panties were smudged with some kind of dirt from the floor. “Gross. There’s no way I’m putting these back on.”

  “You shouldn’t,” he agreed. “I like you better without panties anyhow.” He snatched the panties from my hands, opened my purse and stuffed them inside. “There you go. Problem solved.”

  “That’s why I like you so much,” I said. “You’re such a problem solver.”

  “I am. Aren’t I?” He unzipped his pants and stuck a hand down the front, maneuvering and adjusting his erection so that his pants looked less like a tent and more like a pair of pants one would expect a good pastor’s son to wear on Sundays. “Look what you’ve done to my cock,” he lamented. “It’s all big and excited, and I bet you won’t even let me put it in your mouth.”

  “It’s getting late. We have to go,” I said, glancing down at the front of his pants longingly. “I’d like to be able to help you out, but I just can’t.”

  “How about just one lick?” he asked. “Just put it in your mouth for a second so I get a preview of what’s happening later.”

  “What’s happening later?” I asked, stalling.

  “I’m going to fuck your mouth and come down the back of your throat,” he said.

  “You’re such a charmer,” I complained, but I dropped to my knees on the dirty floor and surrounded the head of his cock with my lips. For just a few seconds, I applied pressure by pressing his flesh between the roof of my mouth and my tongue.

  I opened my mouth and pulled my face away from his crotch. “That’s it. Now, we really have to go.”

  Above us, the pastor’s voice had given way to organ music, and I could hear footsteps as people departed. Jimmy’s father would wait until everyone was gone before he descended into the church basement where his office was located.

  “Let’s go.” Jimmy led the way to the staircase. As he walked, he shoved both hands down his pants and brought his cock under control by shifting it around and pulling his underwear tightly over it. If anyone stared at his crotch, they would still get an eyeful, but it was an improvement.

  We snuck back to our pew and sat down, heads bowed, waiting for Jimmy’s father to notice that we were there before we left again.

  He walked over to us. “Son, did you enjoy my sermon today?” he asked.

  “Yes,” Jimmy said cheerfully. “It’s always good to know why we’re going to hell.”

  His father frowned. “I see you’ve brought your friend to church with you again.” He turned to me. “How did you like the lecture, Susan?”

  “I thought it was fabulous.” My smile was immense. I could feel the air from the ceiling fans drying out the
surface of my teeth. “I sincerely can’t wait for next week.” It was the truth.

  “Excellent,” he said. “Jimmy, I think this one’s a keeper.”

  “Yes,” Jimmy said. “I think so, too.” He smiled at me, and my legs went weak. I looked at my knees, willing them not to turn to jelly. They were speckled with ground-in dirt from the church basement floor. I brushed them off surreptitiously and hoped the pastor wouldn’t notice. He should really clean his office, I thought.

  I didn’t hear the last thing that the pastor said to me, but it didn’t matter. He looked satisfied as he walked away to mingle with the departing crowd offering kind words and compliments as he went. The pastor really was a good man. His son was nothing like him. Jimmy was naughty to the core, but he was so much fun.

  “Let me take you home,” Jimmy said. “You definitely owe me a blowjob.”

  I swatted him on the arm, but I let him take me by the hand and lead me to the parking lot where his trusty old Camaro was waiting. He opened the passenger side door for me and waited for me to arrange myself before he closed the door.

  Within a matter of seconds, he was sitting in the driver’s side. He leaned over and kissed me.

  I kissed him back with my eyes closed, feeling his hands as they traveled up the length of my legs from my dirty knees to my ticklish upper thighs. Trying not to giggle at the touch of his fingertips on my legs, I moaned into his mouth and kept on kissing him.

  Although I had forgotten that I wasn’t wearing any underwear, Jimmy had obviously remembered. His fingers rose higher. With flattened palms and bent fingers, he worked both hands between my thighs, spreading them wide.

  I broke the kiss. “Jimmy, it’s broad daylight. This is a church parking lot, and your father’s car is parked right over there.” I pointed at the shining BMW parked mere feet from where we sat with Jimmy’s hands between my legs. Then I pointed at the front door of the church where Jimmy’s father was emerging into the bright afternoon sunlight.

  Jimmy just smiled and pushed one hand higher along my thigh until his fingers brushed my slit. With one smooth move, he plunged two of his fingers inside me.